Borisov Vadim

My personal page and blog about web dev ✌️

About me

Hi, my name is Vadim and I am a full stack web developer with 4+ years of experience. I have a solid background in designing and building REST API's : from browser side using Vue.js and TypeScript to servers and databases using Java Spring and PostgreSQL.
I have experience working with both legacy monolithic applications and modern cloud-deployed microservices. My experience is mostly related to geographic systems domain with technologies like OpenLayers and ArcGis.

I am currently living in France with full-time job in local company and I am open for a full-remote proposals. I am highly organized and able to work independently.

In my free time I love travel, hiking, spending time with my family and my dog Sam (I drew him on illustration above 🐶), make photos/videos and sometimes playing the drums/guitar. I'm also trying to staying up to date with the latest tech in web and mobile development and learning something new.

Here you can follow timeline of things that I'm currently do or did in the past, download my CV or check out my tech stack. You can also check a more visual gallery of some of my hobby or university study projects.


August 2023- September 2023

Migration of raster data provider to reduce buisiness costs, refactoring of front end application.

Stack : Vue JS, Open Layers

February 2023- July 2023

Preparing application to production. Maintenance, bugs fixing, features, creating BFF microservice for mobile application of our ecosystem

Stack : Vue JS, Java, BFF architecture pattern, Domain Driven Design

January 2023

Development of a proxy microservice whose role is to orchestrate all geospatial source data for the front end from different services. Adaptation of front application to new architecture.

Stack : Spring Boot, Vue.js, Open Layers


December 2022

Writing technical specifications for new features to implement, mostly geospatial features using the Open Layers framework, estimations and development. Refactoring of the front-end application to correspond to a new microservices API model.

November 2022- December 2022

Migrating a Vue.js project from Vue 2.6 to 2.7, and from Vuex to Pinia store, refactoring, and removing the Vue class component library from dependencies. Leading a group of front-end developers (less than 5 people) and being responsible for code delivery. Making code review and helping juniors.

Stack : Vue JS (vue 2 Options api), Pinia, Typescript, Jest

September 2022- October 2022

Refactoring existing microservices using the internal framework in accordance with Domain-Driven Design. (Aggregate Root)

Stack : Spring Boot (Java 11), myBatis (jdbc mapping), PostgreSQL (liquibase)


I'm open to full-remote opportunities and looking to make connections with professionals who share my values.
If you're interested, feel free to connect with me on linkedin or you can send me a message through the form below in old fashionned way
